Shop local strategies that work for locals and visitors

Examples Certain Strategies

Talking about tourism and shopping locally in the same breath can seem like a bit of an oxymoron. However, there are several similarities on how businesses should treat each of these which makes it relevant to discuss this when talking about shopping locally.

Here are just a few examples of certain strategies that might normally be implemented for either locals or visitors, but can also have a positive impact on the opposite group of customers. And if one strategy can work across multiple customer segments then that can only be a good thing!

Directory map of local stores

  • Locals: Helps locals to know what types of products and services are available right on their own doorstep.

  • Visitors: Placed in motels and visitor information centres, these are a perfect way to direct visitors around your shopping community.

Tours of local stores

  • Locals: If marketed correctly, giving locals the opportunity for a unique or behind the scenes look at some of their local stores, can help create a greater connection between shoppers and businesses, as well as induce trial.

  • Visitors: Creates an added activity that visitors can do to experience the community while they are staying there.

Local mobile phone app listing stores

  • Locals: Helps locals stay informed about what is available locally and where they can find it.

  • Visitors: Helps visitors to see what products and services are available in the town they are visiting.

Store or street ambience

  • Locals: Create places where locals want to congregate and they want to visit time after time.

  • Visitors: Give visitors a pleasant shopping experience that they will tell others about, and also want to visit again in the future.

Customer service

  • Locals: Give locals more than just a transaction (that they can get online), and keep them coming back for more.

  • Visitors: Help to get positive reviews that will drive other people to visit.

Offer niche products

  • Locals: Give locals something that they won’t find online or in other towns. This will also help create some pride in their local shops.

  • Visitors: Show visitors something that they haven’t seen before and can’t get elsewhere, which will lead them to purchase while they have the opportunity to do so.

Cash back programs

  • Locals: Build customer loyalty by rewarding regular local shopping.

  • Visitors: Using a program like cash back apps, will help attract tourists, but then also help the local business earn revenue from these visitors for a long time after they have left town.

Local advocacy

  • Locals: If you can’t offer something, know where else you can send local shoppers. Money spent locally benefits ALL businesses, so if you can’t get the sale, make sure someone in town does!

  • Visitors: Every local business should be like a visitor information centre. You should know what other stores in town can offer, and help direct visitors to them.

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